Processing Time: Normally 20-25 Business Days
Shipping Time (Expedited): Normally 3-5 Business Days
Shipping Time (Standard): Normally 5-14 Business Days Receiving Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time (Expedited or Standard)
Processing Time: The estimated time it takes to process your order.
Shipping Time (Expedited or Standard): The estimated time it takes to deliver your order, when you choose expedited shipping method.
We offer free express shipping on orders over $100, and free standard shipping on orders over $19.99. For the shipment part, it all depends on your order amount. We will ship your package via DHL if your order amount is more than 100 USD. Or we your order will be shipped via EMS. Usually DHL takes 3-5 workdays and EMS takes more, the time can be 10 days or more.
The dress came on time and I gave them the correct measurements, but unfortunately it was a little too big