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فستان رسمي بورجوندي بسيط مكشوف الكتفين مع زينة دانتيل

[رمز العنصر: CPS1184]

4.8 46
US$  70. 58
اللون: اختر من فضلك اللون
  • الزهري المغبر
  • عنابي
  • الورد الذهبي
  • الوصاية على العرش
  • أزرق غامق
  • أسود
  • أخضر غامق
بحجم: اختر من فضلك بحجم
    خريطة الحجم
    وقت الخياطة: 20-25 أيام
    وقت الشحن: 5-7 أيام

    الشحن المعجل:5-7

    الشحن القياسي:10-25

    وصف خريطة الحجم Shipping

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    وصف خريطة الحجم Shipping
    اسم المنتج: فستان رسمي بورجوندي بسيط مكشوف الكتفين مع زينة دانتيل
    رمز العنصر: B157296879177430
    اللون: الزهري المغبر,عنابي,الورد الذهبي,الوصاية على العرش,أزرق غامق,أسود,أخضر غامق,
    بحجم: US 2,US 4,US 6,US 8,US 10,US 12,US 14,US 16
    فهرس: فستان الحفلة فستان السهر فساتين العودة للوطن فستان الشبينة
    أماكن: شاطئ البحر,كنيسة,حديقة,صالة
    : سحاب
    الموسم: الربيع,الصيف,الخريف,الشتاء
    العنق: باتو
    خيال: مرءة حامل
    قلم المدقة: حذاء مسطح,بسيط,أناقة,باهر
    : يخطئ
    قطار: الاجتياح / قطار الفرشاة
    طول الكم: قبعة الاكمام
    خط الخصر: بسيط
    هملين: الطابق طول
    زخرفة: ربط الحذاء,حجر الراين

    ماذا يفكر الناس الآخرين

    • 46 التعليقات
    • 5
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    • 1

    Bought this dress for my mother in law for a wedding. She loved it! One of the only ones of this style/ color offered on prime. Beading/ embroidery was beautiful and she got many compliments. Was such an awesome deal for $74! She looked a a dozen stores/ bridal shops and could find anything she liked, but loved this amazon find!


    My mother wore this dress to my wedding. It's not itchy, shoulders are easy to move in, fabric is stretchy and high quality. The details are stunning and sparkles in the light. Has 2 layers and is extra long so may need hemmed for short people. The shoulders have a grip piece so they stay in place and the dress was lightweight but the top is kinda heavy due to the details. The stitching is beautiful. True to color and size. Does cling to the body and when wearing spandex u need a seamless type so u can't see it. I was super impressed as it looks and feels like a 300 dollar dress. Simply beautiful.


    I'm wedding in this gown. I'm so excited about this review. It fits beautifully. I'm smaller on top and have altered the top. I don't like the ribbing that goes up the breast area. I love love everything else! I'm so happy with this gown this is my resubmission! The third photo is me on my wedding day!


    Great quality , very in love with the dress


    Esta perfecto!!


    Used this dress for my wedding. Beautiful dress. Fits a little small. I had gotten a size 4 because that what I normally wear. I would suggest you go up a size.


    Stunning dress! I bought it for my baby shower because it was stretchy. I simply used the sizing chart, I got the dress in a size 10, and it worked perfectly. However, I think I'll buy it again in my post-pregnancy size. That's how much I loved this dress. It was elegant, comfortable, and had lots of stretch to it.


    WOW!! I'm impressed. This dress is beautiful in detail and tailoring. It really looks EXACTLY as it it pictured. I came from China and I was nervous b/c it took so long about a month to arrive. I got blue, size 14 and I'm 5'2 and 165 and African American so I ordered up in size for my perfect thickness and behind (I normally wear a size 12). Thank you for doing a beautiful job! The gown even has lining and beautiful sequence/ rhinestone beads that makes it sparkle. Oh I do think offering "Petite Sizes" with regard to length would be helpful b/c /c I will have to get it hemmed. But again WOW --I'm 52 and going to look like a Queen at my daughter's gala!


    Amazing fit! Felt incredible the night I wore it. First time buying any clothing from Amazon and it was worth it.


    This was a beautiful dress however, if your body is not in shape and you have cellulite, stay away

    فستان رسمي بورجوندي بسيط مكشوف الكتفين مع زينة دانتيل
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